How To Survive an Active Shooter Crisis

The unfortunate reality is that we must be proactive in educating and training ourselves, our children, our families and friends on what to do if an active shooter emergency situation occurs. Knowing how to prepare and respond could be the difference between life and death. These tips could save your life. Read them. Learn them. Share Them.

10 Super Safety Tips for Travelling Abroad

Passport? Check. Plane tickets, hotel reservations and itinerary? Check. Check. Check.  But what about safety? Whether you’re taking a summer adventure abroad or travel internationally for business on a regular basis, chances are you haven’t given much thought to your safety while out of the United States. Never fear. We’ve got a good list to get you educated and keep you safe while travelling internationally.

Is He Dangerous? 10 Signs You May Be Dating A Dangerous Man

Is there a way to tell if a guy is dangerous before you get too involved? No fear ladies. We’ve spoken to some experts in the field and have some great ways to sift through it all and how to tell if the guy you are dating is dangerous. Many of these can be observed on the first date (and even better so, since that is when we’re usually on our best behavior).

8 Simple Beach Theft Safety Tips

With school letting out and family vacations scheduled, let’s take a look at 8 simple tips to prevent beach theft while you are enjoying fun in the sun this summer. First, let’s understand the beach thief. The best target for a beach thief is the visitor who leaves their things and heads for the water.... Continue Reading →

15 Tips To Stay Safe At The ATM

Of course, ATM’s were designed for our fast-paced lives. However, don’t be in such a hurry that you neglect a few simple ATM safety precautions that can protect you from being a victim of crime. By implementing these 15 ATM safety tips, you will significantly reduce the odds of being the victim of ATM crime.... Continue Reading →

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